Businesses can reduce the work of waste management companies Toronto if they develop the right waste control strategies. They should let the employees know that waste management is not only the obligation of the contractor but also everybody in the organization. Businesses should come up with mechanisms to help them manage waste in an effective and safe manner. Here are crucial tips on how businesses can manage waste.

Measure the waste

You can carry out a quick visual assessment on the amount of waste disposed off before the collection truck arrives. Check the waste disposal bins and see how full they are. Note down their sizes and how often the waste management company collects the waste. You can use the bin conversion chart to determine their sizes. This will give you a rough idea of how much waste the business produces in a month. You can then plan on the best management strategy.

Reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill

You can reduce, reuse or recycle the amount of waste going to the landfill. You can reduce the amount of waste by controlling the way the business ships goods and services. You can also determine whether there is a neighboring company that has a use for the waste materials you produce. You can also select materials that can be recycled from the waste.

Determine agencies that collect recyclable materials

Knowing the amount of waste your business produces over a time and identifying those that can be recycled will enable you to come up with a robust collection method. If you cannot recycle the waste within the business, you need to look for a local collector. There are several governments and private collection agencies that will not hesitate to take action once you call them.

Reduce waste management costs

Reducing the cost of managing wastes can increase the net profit of the business. This can be done through an organized waste disposal and recycling program. You need to create waste stations with bins for managing trash. The most cost-effective option is to rent bins instead of buying. There are a lot of companies who offer bin rental services for as little as $100 per month. This is way much cheaper to manage than your own bins.

Come up with effective material collection systems

Businesses usually have different types of recyclable materials. Hence, each business must come up with a different and effective collection system. For instance, bins that are emptied into the collection tank cannot be the same ones used for collecting the waste around the business premises. Wastes should also be categorized based on their decaying rate. For instance, food wastes cannot be placed in the same bin with wastes from materials in the office.



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